Translation of the song Stavi karte na sto artist Mile Kitić
Stavi karte na sto
Put the cards on the table
Pogledi hladni dugi ko vječnost
Cold looks long as eternity
sa tvoga lica malo se čita
little can be read off of your face
ti bi da igra završi srećno
you want the game to end happily
al' niko neće prvi da pita
but nobody wants to ask first
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Stavi karte na sto
Put the cards on the table
Ljubav je igra nije mi prva
Love is a game, not even my first one
jedna dama i jedan kralj
one queen and one king
u igri ovoj da li su par
are they a pair in this game
Ljubav je igra nije ni prva
Love is a game, not even a first one
lako se gubi za ovim stolom
it's easy to lose at this table
onaj ko ne zna karte da čuva
he who doesn't know how to guard his cards
izgubi sreću igra sa bolom
loses happiness, plays with pain
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Čaše su pune riječi su mirne
Glasses filled with words are calm
oboje znamo pravila stara
we both know the old rules
onaj ko prvi istinu dirne
the first one to touch the truth
ne može znati dal' drugi vara
can't know if the other one is cheating