Translation of the song U ritmu tvog' srca artist Mile Kitić
U ritmu tvog' srca
In the beat of your heart
Ne mogu da se smirim
I can't calm myself
Tu nadomak tvojoj kosi.
Within an inch of your hair
Ritam tvoga srca čujem,
I can hear the rhythm of your heart
On me zove, on me nosi.
It's calling me, it's carrying me.
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Nek' svi noćas za nas slave,
Let everyone to celebrate for us tonight
Sve ljubavi nek' tu budu,
Let all the loves be here
Da u ritmu tvoga srca
So we can in the rhythm of your heart
Zaigramo igru ludu.
Play the crazy game.
Kad sam tako blizu tebe,
When I am so close to you
Tvoje srce brže kuca.
Your heart is beating faster.
Nemoj kriti, ja poznajem
Don't hide it, I know
Ritam zaljubljenog srca.
The rhythm of the loving heart.
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Ne prestaje ritam ludi,
The crazy rhythm isn't stoping
Kad se jednom ljubav rodi.
When love will be born one day
Ti ne moraš ništa reći,
You don't have to say anything
Pusti srce, nek' te vodi.
Let the heart to guide you.
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