Translation of the song Zaboravi artist Mile Kitić
Aman, aman
Aman, aman
Poleti onom' kome si suđena
Fly (hurry) to the one that is destined to you
poleti onom' ko ti je sve
fly (hurry) to the one that is everything to you
dok tuga boji istinu
while sadness is painting the truth
ja gubim te
I am losing you.
Ref. 2x
Ref. 2x
Zaboravi onog' koga si ljubila
Forget the one that you have kissed
zaboravi ono što si izgubila
forget what you have lost
osećaj za greh, jedan ceo vek
feeling for the sin, one whole century
Poleti njemu nisam ti poslednji
Fly (hurry) to him I am not your last
poleti kome odnosiš sve
fly (hurry) to whom you are taking everything
jer tebi ko ljubav pokloni
since the one that gifts you with love
taj gubi te.
loses you.