Translation of the song وش مسوي artist Nabeel Shuail


وش مسوي

English translation

What are you doing?!

وش مسوي مع غيري

What are you doing without me?!

وش الدنيا في قربه قول

How can you live near him? tell me ?!

ياروحي أنت متهني

Your Soul are pleased!

ولا بشوق لي مشغول

And You no longer busy in my love

انا مازلت افكر فيك

I am still thinking of you

واموت بحبك وطاريك

I die with your love and your condition

ولكــــن هذي اطباعي

But this is my mood,

اخبي الحزن بي ماقول

Hide my sadness without saying anything

رجعت اسأل غصب عني

I went back and asked about you again,

جبرني الشوق و أعذرني

Longing forced me, excuse me

انا مقدر على قلبي

I can't hold my heart

عجزت القا الوفا لحلول

I failed to find a solution to his sincerity

امانه ان جيت في بالك

Please! If I came into your mind

تطمن قلبي عن حالك

Just! reassure my heart on your condition

على الذكرى انا عايش

In my memory, you are living

كيف انساك مو معقول

And how?! I could forget you; this is unreasonable

حسبت اني مع فرقاك

I thought! When I turned away from you

راح اهوى وأصد وانساك

I can adore, resume my life, and forget you in my mind

لقيت الحب مع غيرك

But! I found love with someone else than you!

امل من اوله مقتول

Hope from its beginning was impossible

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