Translation of the song Un homme étrange artist Gérard Manset
Un homme étrange
A strange man
Un homme étrange
He is a strange man
Que rien ne dérange
Nothing disturbs him
Qui rêve la nuit dans son sommeil
When he sleeps he dreams
Qu'il vit dans une bouteille
He lives within a bottle
Un homme étrange
He is a strange man
Qui jamais ne mange
He never eats
Fait comme une branche de céleri
Behaves like a celery branch
Mais gare à celle qui rit
But beware if you laugh
L’homme au complet gris
The man in his grey suit
N’aime pas du tout la plaisanterie
Hates any kind of joke
Ni qu’on se moque de lui
And those making fun of him
Un homme aigri
He is an embittered man
L'est né sous la mitraille
Was born under grape-shots
Mais comment voulez-vous
But how could you think
Que sa chemise lui aille
His shirt may fit him
Il a changé souvent de taille
He often had to switch sizes
Et livré tant et tant
And fought so many so many
Et tant et tant de batailles
So many so many battles
Un homme de paille
He is a straw man
Qu’on met sur un rail
You put him on a rail
Et qu’on pousse vers
And you push him along
Le chemin de fer
The railroad
Qui mène au champ de bataille
That leads to the battlefield
Un homme étrange
A strange man
Est tombé dimanche
Was swept away on Sunday
Sous une avalanche
By an avalanche
De feuilles blanches
Of white paper sheets
Couvertes de factures
Covered with invoices
Il prend sa voiture
He takes his car
Va dans la nature
Drives to the countryside
Où tout est vert
Where everything is green
A tombeau ouvert
At dazzling speed
Il s’envole vers les arbres bleus
He flies away towards the blue trees
Du ciel au dessus de lui
In the sky above him
Un homme aigri
He is an embittered man
L'est né sous la mitraille
Was born under grape-shots
Comment voulez-vous
How could you think
Que sa chemise lui aille
His shirt may fit him
Il a changé souvent de taille
He often had to switch sizes
Et livré tant et tant
And fought so many so many
Et tant de batailles
So many so many battles
Un homme de paille
A straw man
Un homme aigri
He is an embittered man
L'est né sous la mitraille
Was born under grape-shots
Mais comment voulez-vous
How could you think
Que sa chemise lui aille
His shirt may fit him
Il a changé souvent de taille
He often had to switch sizes
Et livré tant et tant
And fought so many so many
Et tant et tant de batailles
So many so many battles
Un homme aigri
He is an embittered man
L'est né sous la mitraille
Was born under grape-shots
Comment voulez-vous
How could you think
Que sa chemise lui aille
His shirt may fit him
Il a changé souvent de taille
He often had to switch sizes
Et livré tant et tant
And fought so many so many
Et tant et tant de batailles
So many so many battles
Un homme de paille
A straw man