Translation of the song Нежность рассвета artist Ani Lorak
Нежность рассвета
Tenderness of the sunrise
Аромат, нежной кожи золотой зари
Tender skin of a golden dawn's aroma
В небесах, на шифоне
Is in the sky, on chiffon
облаков, парит
Clouds, it soars
Я хочу, чтоб закрыв глаза
I want you to close your eyes
услышал ты
and hear
Где рождаются цветы
Where my dream's flowers
моей мечты
are born
Ты, ты, ты - утренний
You, you, you are a morning
дым дальней звезды
mist of the furthest star
Нежность рассвета надета
Tenderness of the sunrise is put on
на мой ночной уплывший
my night sleeping that floated
Света и тени сплетение
Plexus of light and shadow
несут меня туда, где он
Is carrying me there, where my dream is
Everytime when I running
[Every time when I running
down the evening streets
down the evening streets
Like a blind I am looking for
Like a blind I am looking for
a smell of your love
a smell of your love
Everytime when I founded
Every time when I founded
down a tarried knees
down a tarried knees
Your tuches all realy need
Your touches(?) all really need
and I repeat
and I repeat
Touch, touch, touch, give me
Touch, touch, touch, give me
your hand
your hand
please understand
please understand
Baby don't leave me
Baby don't leave me
Just love me
Just love me
I'm yours but first
I'm yours but first
I have to feel
I have to feel
Baby don't leave me
Baby don't leave me
Believe me
Believe me
You are my first
You are my first
My cure
My cure
My cure's
My cure's]
Аромат, что принес на
Aroma that was brought by
облаках рассвет
the sunrise with clouds
На моих, на твоих губах
left a mark
оставил след
On my and your lips
Сохрани запах ночи на
Keep a touch of night at
восходе дня
the break of dawn
Где в обьятиях огня, ты
Where you're waiting for me
ждешь меня
In the arms of fire
Ты, ты, ты - утренний
You, you, you are a morning
дым дальней звезды
mist of the furthest star
Нежность рассвета надета
Tenderness of the sunrise is put on
на мой ночной уплывший
my night sleeping that floated
Света и тени сплетение
Plexus of light and shadow
несут меня туда
Is carrying me there
Света и тени сплетение
Plexus of light and shadow
несут меня туда, где он
Is carrying me there, where my dream is