Translation of the song マネキン artist Takako Ohta



English translation


視線 Pan down ウエストから

Your gaze it pans down, right down to my waist

足へ Up down 絡みつくよ

You're crazy 'bout me, from my head to my toes

都会を行く誰もが ウインドゥー越しに

But I'm tired of saying that everyone who lands in the city

素敵とか夢だとか もううんざり!

Have beautiful dreams staring right at them through the window

君と Break down 月の晩に

With you I break down, underneath the moonlight

店を Go down 逃げ出したの

And then I go down, and run right out the store

スピードを上げれば サイドミラーにホラ

If you slam the accelerator some more, you can kinda see

少しだけ懐かしい 昨日

Through the side window, a much treasured yesterday

※100万回 愛してるよって

※Although I have been told I love you countless times

言われたけど 奇跡は起きないの

The miracle of love just doesn't seem to wanna happen


My heart is forever attached to only me

動かない 私マネキン

And it won't move a single inch on my mannequin

赤い Sun down 沈む街へ

Later I got down, landed in the city

ある日 Get down たどり着いた

Where it had gone down, the pretty red sunset

憧れの自由を 手に入れたくせに

Even though I got all the freedom that I dreamed of every night

こんなにも切ないの ねぇ どうして?

I feel so painful, I feel so lonely, someone please tell me why

2人 Sit down ベッドの

And as we sit down, on the bed together

君は Feel down 泣いているの

You seem to feel down, then you started crying

ゆっくりと私の 赤いくちびるが

So slowly, my beautiful red lips moved closer

少しずつ動いてる I love you

And closer to you, to whisper in your ear I love you

たった一度 恋の神様が

It's a love miracle that has been sent to you and I

君のために 奇跡を起こしたの

By the gods up above, but only for tonight

涙なんて 溶けてしまうほど

So I'll give you the messiest kiss you've ever had

いじらしい キスを上げるね

So messy that all of your tears will melt away

※ repeat

※ repeat

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