Translation of the song Palavra artist Tayc
Tayc Tayc
Tayc Tayc
On s'est promis le pire, tu le sais oublie les princes charmants
We have promised the worst, you know it forget about the charming princes
Ton amour un empire tu le sais pour ça j'ai plus trop le temps
Your love's an empire you know it because of it I do not have much time
Bella bella ehh o palavra
Beautiful beautiful ehh o word
Oh Bella bella palavra
Oh beautiful beautiful word
bella o palavra
beautiful o word
Bella palavra
Beautiful word
Tu savais déjà tout avant de me valider
You already knew everything before validating me
On sent l'effet du mal mais jamais jamais se mentir
We feel the impact of badness on us but we never lie about it
Combien de fois t'as griffé, j'en ai pas idée
How many times you have scratched I have no idea
J'accepterai tout de toi, tu resteras ma valentine
I will accept everything of you , you will remain my valentine
Jamais jamais, mentir mentir
Never never, lie lie
Jamais jamais, maudit maudit
Never, never, curse curse
Maudits soient les hommes
May people be cursed
Demander j'ai tort, j'ai tort
For asking me if I hurt, I hurt
On s'est promis le pire tu le sais, oublie les princes charmants
We have promised the worst, you know it forget about the charming princes
Ton amour un empire tu le sais
Your love's an empire you know it
Oh Bella bella héh o palavra
Beautiful beautiful heh o word
Bella bella oh palavra
Beautiful beautiful oh word
Bella bella
Beautiful beautiful