Translation of the song Budeme to stále my... artist IMT Smile
Budeme to stále my...
It will be always us...
Čierna tma s bielym svetlom
Black dark with white light
Ticho sa s hlukom stretlo
The silence met the noise
Lesklý lak s matným lakom
A shiny lacquer with a matt laquer
Anarchia a zákon
Anarchy and law
Budúcnosť v minulosti
The future in the past
A pokoj ukrytý v zlosti
And calm hide in anger
Otázka s odpoveďou
A question with an answer
Ty so mnou a ja s tebou
You with me and me with you
Budeme to stále my
It will be always us
Štyri oči, štyri dlane
Four eyes, four hands
Budeme to stále my
It will be always us
Nech sa stane, čo sa stane
Whatever will happen
Budeme to stále my
It will be always us
Či pri stole, či v posteli
Whether at a table or in a bed
Nikto nás nerozdelí
Nobody will tear us apart
Čas rozliaty v priestore
The time spilled in the space
A horúca púšť a more
And a hot dessert and a sea
V piesok sa mení skala
Stone is turning into sand
A vriaca voda na ľad
And boiling water into ice
Január v strede júla
January in the middle of July
Ovce sa k vlkom túlia
The sheep are caressing with the wolf
A kľukatá cesta s rovnou
And serpentine road with the straight one
Ja s tebou a ty so mnou
You with me and me with you
Budeme to stále my
It will be always us
Štyri oči, štyri dlane
Four eyes, four hands
Budeme to stále my
It will be always us
Nech sa stane, čo sa stane
Whatever will happen
Budeme to stále my
It will be always us
Či pri stole, či v posteli
Whether at a table or in a bed
Nikto nás nerozdelí
Nobody will tear us apart
Budeme to stále my
It will be always us
Nikto nás nerozdelí
Nobody will tear us apart