Translation of the song Cesty II. triedy artist IMT Smile
Cesty II. triedy
The roads of II. cathegory
Na ceste 540,
On the road 540
človek si musí zakričať.
Man gotta scream
Že život má zrazu celkom iný zmysel,
That the life suddenly has completely different meaning
Na ceste 540.
On the road 540
Na ceste 511,
On the road 511
každý tam môže niečo nájsť.
Everyone can find something there
To dobre vie každý kto tou cestou išiel,
Everyone who has ever gone by that road knows it well
tou cestou 511.
by that road 511
Dá sa to zniesť,
It's possible to withstand it
stratený v čiarach ciest.
lost in the lines of roads
Ooooh, zniesť sa to dá,
Ooooh, it's possible to withstand
napriek pár nehodám.
despite a few of accidents
Zvalený strom, prejdený pes,
Fallen tree, driven across dog
stopárka hore hore bez.
Stalker up up without
Hory ňou, horia tiež,
the mountains burn by her too
ooooh dá, sa to zniesť, lebo vieš,
oooh it's possible to withstand it, because you know
stále je dosť iných ciest.
there are always many other roads
Na ceste 517.
On the road 517
akoby zastavil sa čas.
as if the time has stopped
Človek tam rád stále niečo nové zbadá,
Man always sees something new there gladly
na ceste 517.
on the road 517
Na ceste 532,
On the road 532
ten svet sa zrazu krajší zdá.
that world suddenly looks more beautiful
Dokonca aj vtedy keď hmla na zem sadá,
Even when the fog gets on the road
na ceste 532.
on the road 532
Dá sa to zniesť,
It's possible to withstand it
stratený v čiarach ciest.
lost in the lines of roads
Ooooh, zniesť sa to dá,
Ooooh, it's possible to withstand
napriek pár nehodám.
despite a few of accidents
Zvalený strom, prejdený pes,
Fallen tree, driven across dog
stopárka hore hore bez.
Stalker up up without
Hory ňou, horia tiež,
the mountains burn by her too
ooooh dá, sa to zniesť lebo vieš,
oooh it's possible to withstand it, because you know
stále je dosť iných ciest.
there are always many other roads
Dá sa to zniesť,
It's possible to withstand it
stratený v čiarach ciest.
lost in the lines of roads
Ooooh, zniesť sa to dá,
Ooooh, it's possible to withstand
napriek pár nehodám.
despite a few of accidents
Zvalený strom, prejdený pes,
Fallen tree, driven across dog
stopárka hore hore bez.
Stalker up up without
Hory ňou, horia tiež,
the mountains burn by her too
ooooh dá, sa to zniesť lebo vieš,
oooh it's possible to withstand it, because you know
stále je dosť iných ciest.
there are always many other roads
Tak veľa iných ciest.
So many other roads