Translation of the song Poď so mnou artist IMT Smile


Poď so mnou

English translation

Come with me

Poď so mnou budem tvoj,

Come with me, I will be yours,

uvidíš, kam chcem dôjsť.

You will see where I want to go.

Poď so mnou, so mnou sa spoj.

Come with me, connect with me.

Poď so mnou, budem rád

Come with me, I will be happy

a ty snáď trikrát viac,

And maybe you will be happy three times more than me.

poď so mnou dobré si priať.

Come with me to wish for the good.



Poď so mnou, dám ti, čo treba ti,

Come with me, I will give you what you need,

dám ti to, za čo sa neplatí.

I will give you things you don't need to pay for.

Dám ti to, čo ti sľúbil ten,

I will give you things,

čo bol tu predo mnou,

that the one, who was there before me, promised you.

všetko, čo on nedal ti.

All the things he didn't give you.

Ukážem ti ten svet, ktorý si chcela,

I will show you the world which you wanted,

dokážem, ako aj málo je veľa.

I will prove how the little can be a lot.

Daj mi len čas, aby si pochopila,

Just give me a time, so you can understand,

že ja som to, čo si tak chcela.

That I am what you've wanted so much.

No tak ruku mi chyť, všetko sa zmení,

Take my hand, everything will change.

ako ihla a niť nech sme spojení.

Let's be connected like a needle and a thread.

No tak netráp sa tým, čo už nezmeníš.

Don't worry about that you can't change.

Pri mne sa nestratíš, som ti súdený.

You will not get lost with me, I am your destiny.

Poď so mnou budem tvoj,

Come with me, I will be yours,

uvidíš, kam chcem dôjsť.

You will see where I want to go.

Poď so mnou, so mnou sa spoj.

Come with me, connect with me.

Poď so mnou, budem rád

Come with me, I will be happy

a ty snáď trikrát viac,

And maybe you will be happy three times more than me.

poď so mnou dobré si priať.

Come with me to wish for the good.



Poďme navždy ostať len,

Let's stay together forever

jeden pre druhého splňme si sen,

Just one for another,

o tom ako sa svet netýka nás.

Let's meet our dream that the world doesn't involve us.

My máme vlastný ten,

We have our own world,

v ktorom sme my len, chcem,

There is just you and me in it,

aby nás nikto nerozdelil,

I wish that nobody can separate us.

na veky vekov, to sme my,

Till the end of the time are we.

ty a ja patríme k sebe, aj keď budú vravieť,

We belong together,

že nie sme si súdení.

Even if they say we are not meant for each other.

No tak ruku mi chyť, všetko sa zmení,

Take my hand, everything will change.

ako ihla a niť nech sme spojení.

Let's be connected like a needle and a thread.

No tak netráp sa tým, čo už nezmeníš.

Don't worry about that you can't change.

Pri mne sa nestratíš, sme si súdení.

You will not get lost with me,

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