Translation of the song Viac artist IMT Smile



English translation


Vždy tam čakáš,

Always you wait there,

keď otočím kľúč,

hen I turn the key,

vo dverách k moji-i-im,

at doors to my,

tajným snom.

secret dreams.

Vo svetle hviezd,

In stars' light

ti odčítam z pier,

I'll read from your lips,

pár milých slov oo-ov.

a few kind words.

Chcel som ti ponúknuť viac a viac

I wanted to offer you more and more

a viac a viac a viac a viac a viac

and more and more and more and more and more

než sa dá dať,

than can be given,

tebe láska čo máš ma.

thee love that you have me.

Ponúknuť viac a viac

Offer to you more and more

a viac a viac a viac a viac a viac

and more and more and more and more and more

než sa dá dať,

than can be given,

tebe láska čo snívam.

thee love I dream of.

Poznám ťa z nôt,

I know you from the notes,

čo skladám si sám,

that I create myself,

si v nich vždy ty y-y,

in them are always you,



Navždy by som,

I would evermore,

ostal žiť v sne,

stay to live in a dream,

byť tam s tebou oo-ou.

be there with you.

Chcel som ti ponúknuť viac a viac

I wanted to offer youu more and more

a viac a viac a viac a viac a viac

and more and more and more and more and more

než sa dá dať,

than can be given,

tebe láska čo máš ma.

thee love that you have me.

Ponúknuť viac a viac

Offer to you more and more

a viac a viac a viac a viac a viac

and more and more and more and more and more

než sa dá dať,

than can be given,

tebe láska čo snívam.

thee love I dream of.

I keby všetky ženy boli ako ty,

And even if all women were like you,

chcel by som teba a neľutoval.

I would want you without regret.

I keby všetci muži boli mnou,

And even if all men were me,

miloval by som ťa viac než sa dá.

would love you more than I can.

Vždy tam čakáš,

Always you wait there,

keď otočím kľúč,

hen I turn the key,

vo dverách k moji-i-im,

at doors to my,

tajným snom.

secret dreams.

Vo svetle hviezd,

In stars' light

ti odčítam z pier,

will read to you of the lips,

pár milých slo-oo-ov.

a few kind words.

Chcel som ti ponúknuť viac,

I wanted to offer you more and more

viac a viac a viac a viac a viac a viac

and more and more and more and more and more

než sa dá dať,

than can be given,

tebe láska čo máš ma.

thee love that you have me.

Ponúknuť viac a viac

Offer to you more and more

a viac a viac a viac a viac a viac

and more and more and more and more and more

než sa dá dať,

than can be given,

tebe láska čo snívam

thee love I dream of.

Tebe láska čo snívam.

Thee love I dream of.

Tebe láska čo máš ma.

Thee love that you have me.

Tebe láska čo máš ma.

Thee love that you have me.

Tebe láska čo snívam.

Thee love I dream of.

Teraz to viem...

Now I know it...

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