Translation of the song Angela artist Aya Nakamura
Oh non oh
Oh no oh
Aya ah
Aya ah
Aya yah ah
Aya yah ah
[Couplet 1]
[Verse 1]
Angela est une fille magique
Angela is a magical girl
Pour elle tout a l'air facile
Everything seems easy to her
Elle se fout de vos avis,
She doesn't care about your opinions
car elle vie au jour le jour
because she lives from day to day
Dans son cœur il n'y a que les hommes
There are only men in her heart
La fête et la sape
The party and undermining
Prend tout à la légère
She takes everything lightly
Et puis ne pense qu'à elle
and thinks only about her
Elle fume, fume, fume, fume, fume
She smokes, smokes, smokes, smokes, smokes
Pour oublier ses soucis
To forget her problems
Elle danse, danse, danse, danse
She dances, dances, dances, dances
Toute la nuit
All night long
Angela, tu vas tomber
Angela, you're going to fall
Angela, tu vas flancher
Angela, you're going to be weak
Car si tu conti-continues
'Cause if you conti-continue
Du quartier tu seras la risée
you're going to be the butt of ridicule
[Couplet 2]
[Verse 2]
Dans ses rêves elle épouse le plus riche
In her dreams she gets married with the richest
Qui succombe à ses plus gros caprices
which succumbs to her biggest whims
C'est malheureux mais,
It's sad but,
pour elle elle atteint des sommets
for her, she reaches the tops
À force de prouver et trop se montrer
By dint of proving and showing herself too much
Elle se voile la face
She veils her face
À force de prouver et trop se montrer
By dint of proving and showing herself too much
Son image se dégrade
Her image is degrading
Elle fume, fume, fume, fume
She smokes, smokes, smokes, smokes, smokes
Pour oublier ses soucis
To forget her problems
Elle danse, danse, danse, danse
She dances, dances, dances, dances
Toute la nuit
All night long
Angela tu vas tomber
Angela, you're going to fall
Angela tu vas flancher
Angela, you're going to be weak
Car si tu conti-continues
'Cause if you conti-continue
Du quartier tu seras la risée
you're going to be the butt of ridicule
[Couplet 3]
[Verse 3]
Tu montres c'que tu n'es pas
You show off hat you're not
Tu montres un faux visage
You show a fake face
Qui se salit avec le temps
Which becomes dirty by the time
Solo tu finis sans emploi
Solo you finish by being unemployed
Tu pourras t'en prendre qu'à toi
You can only blame yourself
Oh Angela
Oh Angela
Angela tu vas tomber
Angela, you're going to fall
Angela tu vas flancher
Angela, you're going to be weak
Car si tu conti-continues
'Cause if you conti-continue
Du quartier tu seras la risée
you're going to be the butt of ridicule
Angela yeah
Angela yeah
Angela yeah, nan
Angela yeah, nan
Tu vas tomber ...
You're going to fall