Translation of the song De ce? artist Mira (Romania)
De ce?
Zi-mi, de ce-ti place sa te minti
Tell me, why do you like to lie to yourself
Cand imi spui ca nu mai simti
When you say to me that you don't feel it anymore
Eu stiu ca ti-e dor de ea
I know that you miss her
Si-ti dai doar motive sa mai stai
And you just give yourself reasons to stay longer
Nu-nteleg de ce nu ai
I don't understand why you don't have
Curaj s-o alegi pe ea
The courage to choose her
Cand stiu ca daca ai pleca
When I know that if you left
Ti-ai gasi si linistea
You'd also find peace
De ce spui ca ma iubesti
Why do you say that you love me
Oare repeti in oglinda
Do you repeat it in the mirror?
Se vede, nu simti ce vorbesti
It's apparent that you don't feel what you say
Ti-e frica sa lasi sa se stinga
You're afraid to let it slip away
De ce vrei sa ma folosesti
Why do you want to use me
Cum poti sa te uiti in oglinda
How can you look in the mirror
Zi-mi, de ce spui ca ma iubesti
Tell me, why do you say that you love me
Se vede cand tu ma privesti
It's apparent when you look at me
Ca tot pe ea o vezi
That you still see her
De ce, de ce, aaa-aah
Why, why, aah
De ce, de ce, aaa-aah
Why, why, aah
De ce, de ce, aaaah
Why, why, aah
Ce ma tine langa tine nici eu nu mai stiu
What keeps me next to you, I don't even know anymore
Ma agat doar de speranta, dar e prea tarziu
I just cling onto hope, but it's too late
Noi eram frumosi in poze si in amintiri
We were beautiful in pictures and in memories
Acum e doar finalul trist al unei mari iubiri
Now it's just the sad ending to a grand love
Si nu vreau sa-mi amintesc de noi asa
And I don't want to remember us this way
O femeie stii ca simte, inteleg tacerea ta
You know that a woman feels, I understand your silence
Si chiar daca o sa-mi rupa inima
And even if it'll break my heart
Lasa-ma sa rup eu linistea
Let me break the silence
De ce spui ca ma iubesti
Why do you say that you love me
Oare repeti in oglinda
Do you repeat it in the mirror?
Se vede, nu simti ce vorbesti
It's apparent that you don't feel what you say
Ti-e frica sa lasi sa se stinga
You're afraid to let it slip away
De ce vrei sa ma folosesti
Why do you want to use me
Cum poti sa te uiti in oglinda
How can you look in the mirror
Zi-mi, de ce spui ca ma iubesti
Tell me, why do you say that you love me
Se vede cand tu ma privesti
It's apparent when you look at me
Ca tot pe ea o vezi
That you still see her
Egoista, dar nu mi-as putea ierta
It's selfish, but I wouldn't be able to forgive myself
Nu pot fi fericita cu nefericirea ta
I can't be happy with your unhappiness
Suna nebunesc venind din partea mea
It sounds crazy coming from me
Dar tot de unde spune inima
But nonetheless, it comes from where the heart speaks
De ce spui ca ma iubesti
Why do you say that you love me
Oare repeti in oglinda
Do you repeat it in the mirror?
Se vede, nu simti ce vorbesti
It's apparent that you don't feel what you say
Ti-e frica sa lasi sa se stinga
You're afraid to let it slip away
De ce vrei sa ma folosesti
Why do you want to use me
Cum poti sa te uiti in oglinda
How can you look in the mirror
Zi-mi, de ce spui ca ma iubesti
Tell me, why do you say that you love me
Se vede cand tu ma privesti
It's apparent when you look at me
Ca tot pe ea o vezi…
That you still see her...