Translation of the song Invata-ma artist Mira (Romania)
Teach me
Din tot ce aveam noi doi am ramas cu pozele
Out of everything the two of us had, I was left with the photos
N ai uitat sa iei nimic mi ai luat si secretele
You didn't forget to take anything, you even took my secrets
Si ma prefac mereu ca sunt ok
And I'm always pretending to be okay
Dar adevarul il vezi in ochii mei
But you can see the truth in my eyes
N ai uitat sa iei nimic, chiar si amintirile
You didn't forget to take anything, even my memories
Chiar daca tie iti e mai bine fara mine acum
Even if it's better for you without me now
Invata-ma cum
Teach me how
Invata-ma, invata-ma cum sa te uit de tot
Teach me, teach me how to forget you for good
Da-mi antidotul pentru tot ce mi ai facut, te rog
Give me the antidote for everything you've done to me, please
Invata-ma, invata-ma cum sa te uit de tot
Teach me, teach me how to forget you for good
Dezvata-ma, dezvata-ma sa te iubesc macar
Un-teach, un-teach me how to love you, at least
Ca tu ai reusit si eu nu reusesc, e clar
Because you've succeeded and I'm not succeeding, it's clear
Invata-ma cum sa te uit de tot
Teach me, teach me how to forget you for good
Invata-ma cum sa te uit
Teach me, teach me how to forget you
N-ai sunat nici pana acum, m am obisnuit deja
You haven't called til now, I've gotten used to it already
Muzica prea tare in club, tot ce aud e vocea ta
Music too loud in the club, all I hear is your voice
Ma mint mereu ca n am pierdut nimic
I'm always lying to myself that I haven't lost anything
Dar simt ca am pierdut tot ce am iubit
But I feel that I've lost everything that I loved
Muzica prea tare in club, eu imi aud doar inima
Music too loud in the club, I just hear my heart
Daca tie ti-e mai bine fara mine acum
If it's better for you without me now
Invata-ma, invata-ma cum sa te uit de tot
Teach me, teach me how to forget you for good
Da-mi antidotul pentru tot ce mi ai facut, te rog
Give me the antidote for everything you've done to me, please
Invata-ma, invata-ma cum sa te uit de tot
Teach me, teach me how to forget you for good
Dezvata-ma, dezvata-ma sa te iubesc macar
Un-teach, un-teach me how to love you, at least
Ca tu ai reusit si eu nu reusesc, e clar
Because you've succeeded and I'm not succeeding, it's clear
Invata-ma cum sa te uit de tot
Teach me, teach me how to forget you for good
Invata-ma cum sa te uit
Teach me, teach me how to forget you
N-ar trebui, dar inca te simt
I shouldn't, but I still feel you
Inca mi-e dor, nu pot sa te mint
I still miss you, I can't forget you
Nu spune si tu ca imi trebuie timp
Don't you tell me that I need time
Invata-ma, invata-ma
Teach me, teach me
Invata-ma, invata-ma cum sa te uit de tot
Teach me, teach me how to forget you for good
Da-mi antidotul pentru tot ce mi ai facut, te rog
Give me the antidote for everything you've done to me, please
Invata-ma, invata-ma cum sa te uit de tot
Teach me, teach me how to forget you for good
Dezvata-ma, dezvata-ma sa te iubesc macar
Un-teach, un-teach me how to love you, at least
Ca tu ai reusit si eu nu reusesc, e clar
Because you've succeeded and I'm not succeeding, it's clear
Invata-ma cum sa te uit de tot
Teach me, teach me how to forget you for good
Invata-ma cum sa te uit.
Teach me, teach me how to forget you.