Translation of the song MR. CLEVER artist I Don't Like Mondays.
Mr. Clever
冷静さ保って クレバーにいこうYO
Keep calm and go to Clever YO
ハイブランドまとって カッコつけたいね
I want to put on a high brand and put it in parentheses
あれもこれもって 欲しがるのはナンセンス
It’s nonsense that I want this too
It ’s best to hide your true intentions.
大事なこと リスクのヘッジ
Important thing: Risk hedging
余計なこと しない主義
The principle of not doing anything extra
顔になら出ないから ALL RIGHT
ALL RIGHT because it doesn’t appear on the face
Smile pretending to be stupid
My name is Mr. Clever
My name is Mr. Clever
And you can say whatever
And you can say whatever
I’m riding the waves of the city
Just call me Mr. Clever 上手にやれば
Just call me Mr. Clever If you do it well
すり抜けられる 浮世のしがらみ
You can slip through the shackles of the Ukiyo
So you know what?
So you know what?
I’m almost overflowing with what I want to say
My name is Mr. Clever
My name is Mr. Clever
Answer on the chest
Deceive and step up
スマートに生きてくよ LET’S GO
Let’s live smartly LET ’S GO
信じのるはeasyでも 裏切のもeasy
Believe it or betray it is easy
お金は大事 人間みんなそう
Money is important for all human beings
アイツのせいだって コイツのせいだって
Because of him, because of this guy
言いたくなる そりゃ仕方ないシステム
I want to say that system that can’t be helped
小さいこと 気にしない
I don’t care about being small
SNS ほどほどに
Moderately on SNS
いい加減 踊りたい ALL NIGHT
I want to dance sloppy ALL NIGHT
Survive again until the weekend
My name is Mr. Clever
My name is Mr. Clever
And you can say whatever
And you can say whatever
都会の波を 乗りこなしてんだ
I’m riding the waves of the city
Just call me Mr. Clever 上手にやれば
Just call me Mr. Clever If you do it well
報われるはず いつかそのうちに
Should be rewarded someday
So you know what?
So you know what?
I’m almost overflowing with what I want to say
My name is Mr. Clever
My name is Mr. Clever
Answer on the chest
Deceive and step up
I will live smartly
Everyone has their own plans
I’m just barely doing it
朝から夜まで ALL DAY
ALL DAY from morning till night
Are you so too? Is it the same?
My name is Mr. Clever
My name is Mr. Clever
DoN’T wanna be Forever
DoN’T wanna be Forever
My name is Mr. Clever
My name is Mr. Clever
And you can say whatever
And you can say whatever
I’m riding the waves of the city
Just call me Mr. Clever
Just call me Mr. Clever
If you do it well
すり抜けられる 浮世のしがらみ
You can slip through the shackles of the Ukiyo
So you know what?
So you know what?
I’m almost overflowing with what I want to say
My name is Mr. Clever
My name is Mr. Clever
胸にあるアンサー 誤魔化してStep up
Answer in the chest, cheating and Step up
スマートに生きてくよ LET’S GO
I will live smartly LET ’S GO