Translation of the song انا وانت artist Al Ekhwa Band
انا وانت
You and I
انا وانت طيرين والسما حبنا
You and I are flying, and the sky is our love
انا وانت شوقين والزمن ضدنا
You and I are in longings, and time is against us
نشق يوف الصبر ونطير
We breathe in patience and fly
ننثر في الهوى همنا
We spread our worries in the air
مطر السنين يروي ورود
The rain of years tells roses
زرعناها بشقا هالليل
We planted it in the worries of the night
بعد ما جف بحر العين
After dry the sea of our eyes
انا وانت على صدر الزمن قصه
You and I have both of us we his their own story
تعال نمحي هموم الايام
Let us remove the worries of the days
ونسافر مع الاحلام
and we travel with our dreams
ونكتب في العمر جرحين
And we write that in the history of our life. There were two wounds.
انا وانت طيرين والسما حبنا
You and I are flying, and the sky is our love
انا وانت شوقين والزمن ضدنا
You and I are in longings, and time is against us