Translation of the song 春の小川 artist Japanese Children Songs



English translation

Brook in Spring

春の小川は さらさら行くよ

In spring the brook murmurs

岸のすみれや れんげの花に

To the violet and milkvetch flowers

姿やさしく 色うつくしく

Be elegant in figure and vivid in color

咲けよ咲けよと ささやきながら

Bloom, flowers, bloom

春の小川は さらさら行くよ

In spring the brook murmurs

えびやめだかや こぶなのむれに

To the shrimp, ricefish, and small carp

今日も一日 ひなたで泳ぎ

Swim in the sun all day every day

遊べ遊べと ささやきながら

Play, fish, play

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