Translation of the song مستحيل artist Al Ekhwa Band
Out of the question
مستحيل القى مثيلك
Impossible to meet someone comparable to you
مستحيل احب احد
Impossible to love anyone equal to you
مايميل قلبي لغيرك
My heart doesn’t care for anybody,excepting you
وانت روحي والجسد
You are my body and my soul.
حبي انت تعرفه
You know how much I love you,
مايحتاج اوصفه
It's something I can't describe and explain.
مستحيل ...مستحيل...
It's out of the question, it's impossible.
في دروبك ابتدي
In your paths, I am beginning.
هذا مني لك وعد
This is something, I promise to you for.
ومن حنانك ارتوي
I'll water from your tenderness love,
ياحبيبي للأبد
forever, my dear.
حبي انت تعرفه
You know how much I love you.
مايحتاج اوصفه
It's something I can't describe and explain.
مستحيل ...مستحيل...
It's out of the question, It's impossible.
انت يااغلى حبيب
You are my beloved loved.
انت عيني والهدب
My eyelashes is yours and my whole eyes.
تبقى لي أجمل نصيب
You are my sweetest destiny and fate.
أول واخر من أحب
You are my first and last love.
حبي انت تعرفه
You know how much I love you,
مايحتاج اوصفه
It's something I can't describe and explain.
مستحيل ...مستحيل... مستحيل...
It's out of the question, It's impossible to describe , It’s impossible.