Позолотою покрылось чисто полюшко пшеницы,
A field of wheat became golden (literally became gilded)
Песнь осеннюю поёт дождь, и по небу зарницы.
Rain is singing its autumn song, and there are distant lightnings in the sky.
Сорвала б колосья жёлты, да венок сплела во воле,
I'd like to gather yellow spikelets (of wheat), and make a chaplet (crown) for myself out there in the open (in freedom),
В светлой горнице своей пережду я дождь. Доколе
I'll wait out the rain in my chamber, until
Солнце в небе не проснётся, озарит полей красу.
The sun wakes up in the sky and sheds its light onto the beauty of the fields.
В песне я Яриле-солнцу светлы думы донесу.
I'll carry my gentle (light, airy) thoughts to Yarilo the Sun (a pagan Slavic god, the god of Sun) in my song (made for) him.
Позолотою покрылось чисто полюшко пшеницы.
A field of wheat became golden (became gilded),
Песнью осеннюю поёт дождь, и по небу зарницы.
Rain is singing its autumn song, and there are distant lightnings in the sky.
В небе солнышко проснётся, озарит полей красу,
The sun will wake up in the sky and will shed its light onto the beauty of the fields.
В песне я Яриле-солнцу светлы думы донесу.
I'll carry my gentle (light, airy) thoughts to Yarilo the Sun in my song (made for) him.