Translation of the song 짬에서 나오는 바이브 (Charm of Life) artist SMTOWN
짬에서 나오는 바이브 (Charm of Life)
Charm of Life
I just wanna let you know babe
I just wanna let you know babe
Ain’t nobody’s gonna stop me, no way
Ain’t nobody’s gonna stop me, no way
Think about it carefully ’til you get it
Think about it carefully ’til you get it
Charm of life
Charm of life
오케 진짜 간만에 찾아뵙게 됐는데
OK, it’s been a long time since I came to you
이케 찾아뵙게 된 이유가
But the reason I came to you like this
솔직히 오늘은 여러분께 약간
Honestly, it’s because today
자랑 아닌 자랑 좀 할까 하는데 뭐냐면
I want to show off a bit
사실 약간 셀럽들만 한다는
It’s a collaboration
컬래버레이션 준비했어요
That only celebrities can do
최초 공개할게요 오케
I’ll reveal it to you for the first time, OK
오케 먼저 킬라그램인데 약간
OK first, it’s Killagramz but
신동 같기도 하고 약간 모르겠어요
He seems like Shindong, I don’t know
오케 바로 넉살인데 약간
OK, it’s Nucksal but
이 형 몇 살인지 약간 모르겠어요
I don’t really know how old he is
오케 마마무 솔라씨인데 약간
OK, it’s Mamamoo’s Solar but
비타민 같기도 하고 모르겠어요
Her name sounds like a vitamin, I don’t know
Let me show you for the first time, charm of life
Let me show you for the first time, charm of life
And nothing’s gonna stop my vibe all night
And nothing’s gonna stop my vibe all night
I don’t really really care what you say
I don’t really really care what you say
I just go on in my way
I just go on in my way
이게 바로 짬에서 나오는 Vibe
This is the vibe from the charm from life
호불호가 확 갈리고
Likes and dislikes are distinguished
비호감 호감 여혐 남혐
Interested and not interested
사이를 왔다 갔다
Girl hate, guy hate, going back and forth
간단히 말하자면
To make it simple
주옥같은 트집으로 지들만
They pick you apart over little things
불편한 벌레 여시들의 안주인 몸
Like awkward insects and mistresses
(나이트에서 튀었대)
(Ran way from the night club)
(철조망 전투를 벌였대)
(Fought with the barbed wires)
야 개 짖는 소리 좀 안 나게 해라
Hey, stop with that barking nonsense
나도 모르는 루머 속에서
For 13 years
13년을 버텼고
I endured through rumors I didn’t even know about
사이버 수사대와 팬
Cyber investigators and fans
PDF 모아둬
Gather your PDFs
좀 나대긴 하지만
I am a bit forward
남을 해치진 않아 Ho!
But I don’t hurt others
대스타는 횡성 소들을
This big star cooks up all the Hoengseong cows
구워버려 다 안심 줘요
Rest assured
날 모르는 애는 없잖아
There isn’t a single person who doesn’t know me
엄마한테 가서 여쭤 봐
Go ask your mom
신동희 다른 이름 신동
Shin Dong Hee’s other name Shindong
냈다 하면 다 터트리는 신곡 Bang
Every time I release a song, it goes bang
네 CD건 테레비건
Whether it’s a CD or on TV
내 목소리 얼굴을 떠올리지 못한다면
If you can’t remember my voice or face
한 번쯤은 의심해 봐 정체성
You should really question your identity
돈 만져 봤지 치킨 집에 피시방
I saw the money, chicken joint, Internet cafe
또 라운지바 다 건드려 봤지만
Lounge bar, I took a jab but
내 집 하나 장만 못하고 말아먹었지
I failed at it all without even getting my own house
잔고 부족해 참고 달릴게
Balance is not enough but I’ll endure and keep running
짬나바가 뭐 별거야
The charm of life is no big deal
13년차 연예인 Swag
Celebrity swag for 13 years straight
Let me show you for the first time, charm of life
Let me show you for the first time, charm of life
And nothing’s gonna stop my vibe all night
And nothing’s gonna stop my vibe all night
I don’t really really care what you say
I don’t really really care what you say
I just go on in my way
I just go on in my way
이게 바로 짬에서 나오는 Vibe
This is the vibe from the charm from life