Translation of the song Alana artist Mehmed Uzun

Kurdish (Kurmanji)


English translation

The Echo

Dinya çiqas xweş, çiqas bedew bû

How sweet and charming the world was

Kirasê sipî çiqas li vê axa welatê kurdan hatibû

How beautiful this white dress was for the homeland of the Kurds

Bê çek, bê pûsat, bê kiras û bê veger

No pistol, no gun, no dress and no return

Li ber çavên wî leylana berfa sipî

The memory of white snow in eyes

Li ser dilê wî gurmîna dengê şehîdan

The echo of the voices of the martyrs in the hearts

Ma kî û kî li ser vê axê şehîd neketibû

Who was not martyred in this land



axa rehmetê maç nekiribû

Who did not kiss the land of mercy?

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