Translation of the song Creme Brulee artist GFRIEND
Creme Brulee
Creme Brulee
달콤한 향기가 마치
The sweet fragrance
날 자꾸 유혹하는 느낌
Feels like it keeps tempting me
이 흔들림에 정신 차릴 수 없어
I can’t get my mind together because of this shaking
살며시 다가가 보면
When I approach carefully
겹겹이 꼭 닫혀 있어
It’s kept closed in layers
왠지 네가 더 궁금해 난 빠져들어
I’m more curious about you somehow and fall in
네 마음은 Crispy
Your heart is Crispy
너만의 벽 너머 Everything
Beyond your wall Everything
내 멋대로 깨뜨려 열어보고 싶어져
I want to break it and open it as I wish
달디 단 향기만큼 단단히 숨긴 만큼
As much as its sweet scent, as much as it’s hidden securely
넌 볼수록 더 Wonderful so Wonderful
The more I see you, the more Wonderful so Wonderful
Creme Brulee처럼
Like Creme Brulee
종일 너를 상상할 때
When I imagine you the whole day
기대감 속 맘이 설레
My heart flutters in expectation
하얀색일까 노란색일까
Is it white or yellow?
깨뜨리고 싶은 걸 어떡해
I want to break it, what to do?
매일 톡 두드려 어떤 맛일까
I tap it every day, how will it taste like?
자꾸 톡 두드려 너란 달콤함
I tap it constantly, the sweetness that’s you
설탕을 녹인 듯 아주 부드러울
Who will be soft as molten sugar
You're like the sweetest love ooh
You’re like the sweetest love ooh
궁금해져 마치 Creme 같은 네 맘은
I get curious about your heart that’s like Creme
어떤 날에는 빨간색
One day it’s red
어떤 날에는 보라색
Another day it’s purple
입 안으로 달콤함이 가득 번지듯
Just as the sweetness spreads and fills my mouth
어떤 날에는 민트색
Some days it’s mint color
내 맘처럼 오늘은 핑크색 You
Just like my heart, today is pink You
부드럽고 달달함을 넘어 치명적일 걸 알아
I know you’re past being soft and sweet, you will be fatal
너를 닮은 색 그 색 위에 너란 맛을 더하면
The color that resembles you, if I add the taste that’s you on top
허락되지 않는 만큼 궁금해질 때
When I get curious beyond what’s allowed
유혹 속에 점점 더 빠져들어
I fall in deeper into temptation
Creme Brulee처럼
Like Creme Brulee
종일 너를 상상할 때
When I imagine you the whole day
기대감 속 맘이 설레
My heart flutters in expectation
하얀색일까 노란색일까
Is it white or yellow?
깨뜨리고 싶은 걸 어떡해
I want to break it, what to do?
매일 톡 두드려 어떤 맛일까
I tap it every day, how will it taste like?
자꾸 톡 두드려 너란 달콤함
I tap it constantly, the sweetness that’s you
설탕을 녹인 듯 아주 부드러울
Who will be soft as molten sugar
You're like the sweetest love ooh
You’re like the sweetest love ooh
궁금해져 마치 Creme 같은 네 맘은
I get curious about your heart that’s like Creme
어떤 날에는 빨간색
One day it’s red
어떤 날에는 보라색
Another day it’s purple
입 안으로 달콤함이 가득 번지듯
Just as the sweetness spreads and fills my mouth
어떤 날에는 민트색
Some days it’s mint color
내 맘처럼 오늘은 핑크색 You
Just like my heart, today is pink You
참을 수 없는 달콤한 향기
The irresistible sweet scent
바사삭 부서지면 돌이킬 수 없는데
If it breaks with a “crunch”, there’s no going back
자꾸 끌리게 나를 흔들어 와
It keeps shaking me that I’m drawn to it
깨뜨린 순간 넌 녹아내릴 걸
The moment I break it, you will melt down
너를 톡 두드려 어떤 맘일까
I tap you, what are you thinking?
괜히 톡 두드려 너란 달콤함
I tap you needlessly, the sweetness that’s you
설탕을 녹인 듯 아주 부드러울
Who will be soft as molten sugar
You're like the sweetest love ooh
You’re like the sweetest love ooh
궁금해져 마치 Creme 같은 네 맘은
I get curious about your heart that’s like Creme
어떤 날에는 빨간색
One day it’s red
어떤 날에는 보라색
Another day it’s purple
입 안으로 달콤함이 가득 번지듯
Just as the sweetness spreads and fills my mouth
어떤 날에는 민트색
Some days it’s mint color
내 맘처럼 오늘은 핑크색 You
Just like my heart, today is pink You