Translation of the song Colombine artist Georges Brassens



English translation


Léandre le sot,

Leander the fool,

Pierrot qui d'un saut

Pierrot who with

De puce

a stone's throw leap

Franchit le buisson,

clears the shrubbery,

Cassandre sous son

Cassandra under her



Arlequin aussi,

Harlequin too,

Cet aigrefin si

that so capricious



Aux costumes fous,

with the crazy wardrobe

Les yeux luisant sous

his eyes shining beneath

Le masque,

his mask,

Do, mi, sol, mi, fa,

- Doh. me, soh, me, fah, -

Tout ce monde va,

This merry band goes,

Rit, chante

laughs, sings

Et danse devant

and dances in front of

Une frêle enfant

a frail naughty


little girl

Dont les yeux pervers

whose depraved eyes

Comme les yeux verts

like the green eyes

Des chattes

of cats

Gardent ses appas

look after her assets

Et disent :

and say :

A bas les pattes !

Keep your paws off!

L'implacable enfant,

The merciless child,

Preste et relevant

deft and raising

Ses jupes,

her skirts,

La rose au chapeau,

the rose in her hat,

Conduit son troupeau

leads her troop

De dupes !

of dupes!

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