Translation of the song Enciéndeme artist MAJUR
Light Me Up
Para, como se não me olha e repara
Stop, as if you weren't looking at me, and see:
Te deixo com a boca torcida
I leave you slack-jawed
Xeque-mate e o molejo aqui é sensual
Checkmate, and the way I get down is sensual1
É fatal
It's fatal
Distraído, me seduz com essa alma de bandido
Distracted, you seduce me with your bad-boy air2
Crê que é dono e eu corro perigo
You think you're in charge and I'm in trouble
Só que de mim você não vai escapar
Except you're not going to escape from me
Quando eu começar
When I start
Rebolar, rebolar
Twerking, twerking
Rebolar, sem parar
Twerking, nonstop
Rebolar, rebolar
Twerking, twerking
Arrasta la raba p′arriba
Drag that butt up3
Poquito a poquito enciéndeme
Little by little, light me up4
Poquito a poquito
Little by little
Para, como si no me miras y notaras
Stop, as if you weren't looking at me, and see:5
Te dejé con la boca torcida
I leave you slack-jawed
Xeque-mate e el molejo aqui é sensual
Checkmate, and the way I move is sensual
Es fatal
It's fatal
Me seduce con essa alma de bandido
You seduce me with your bad-boy air
Crees que el dueño y yo corro peligro
You think you're hot stuff and I'm in trouble
Pero de mi no va a escapar
But there's no escape for you
Quando va a começar
When I start
Rebolar, rebolar,
Twerking, twerking
Rebolar, sem parar
Twerking, nonstop
Rebolar, rebolar,
Twerking, twerking
Arrasta la raba p'arriba
Drag that butt up
Poquito a poquito enciéndeme
Little by little set me alight
Poquito a poquito
Little by little