Translation of the song ホームワークが終わらない artist Yu Yu Hakusho (OST)



English translation

Never Ending Homework

今夜も尖った秒針 時を切り刻んでる

Tonight, the pointy second hand is ticking.

chi chi chi...

Chi chi chi.

いつまでも片付かない ホームワーク投げ出し

I'll throw out homework that won't be done forever.


Sun of a gun!

転がる夢なんだよ 追いかけていたいのは

It's a rolling dream. What I want to chase after is.

止まれば逃げてゆくよ 気を抜いちゃダメなのさ

It'll run away if you stop. You shouldn't be off your guard.

そうさ約束は罪 さっきもキャンセルのベル

That's right, the promise is sin. There was a cancellation bell ringing.

Ru Ru Ru...

Ru ru ru.

いつまでも見えてこない 君はメビウスのGoal

I can't see it forever. You are the goal of Mobius.


Oh, my god!

涙もない人とは つき合いたくないのさ

I don't want to have relation with person without tears.

悲しみ抱いてるとき この手で引き寄せたい

When I'm holding my sadness, I want to draw you in with my hands.

転がる夢なんだよ 追いかけていたいのは

It's a rolling dream. What I want to chase after is.

明日は蒼ざめても いつかはつかんでみせる

Even if it turns pale tomorrow, I'll get it someday.

転がる夢なんだよ 追いかけていたいのは

It's a rolling dream. What I want to chase after is.

止まれば逃げてゆくよ 気を抜いちゃダメなのさ

It'll run away if you stop. You shouldn't be off your guard.


It's a rolling dream...

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