الشوارع حواديت
The streets are tales
حوادية الحب فيها
One turn has love in it
وحوداية عفاريت
And in another there's demons
اسمعي يا حلوة لما اضحكك
Listen here, sweetie, let me make you laugh
الشارع دا كنا ساكنين فيه زمان
We used to live on this street long ago
كل يوم يضيق زيادة عن ما كان
Every day it grows narrower than it used to be
اصبح الآن بعد ما كبرنا عليه
Now that we have grown too old for it
زي بطن الأم ما لناش فيه مكان
it became like a mother's womb where we have no place
الشارع دا رحنا فيه المدرسة
We went to school on this street
اللي باقي منه باقي
Whatever remains in this street remains
واللي مش باقي اتنسى
And whatever didn't remain is forgotten
كنسوه الكناسين بالمكنسة
The garbage men swept it with a broom
ييجي دور لحظة أسى
Now it's time for a moment of sadness
أنا برضه كمان نسيت
I also forgot..
الشارع دا أوله بساتين
This street starts with gardens
وآخره حيطة سد
and ends with a dead-end
ليا فيه قصة غرام
I've had a love story in it
ماحكيتش عنها لأي حد
that I told no one of
من طرف واحد
It was not reciprocated
وكنت سعيد قوي
and still I was so happy
بس حراس الشوارع
But the guards of the streets
حطوا للحدودتة حد
put an end to the story
الشارع دا شفتك إنتي ماشية فيه
I saw you walking on this street
لابسة جيب وبلوزة وردي
You were wearing a skirt and a pink blouse
وعاملة ديل حصان وجيه
You had a pretty ponytail
اتجاهك اتجاهي مشينا ليه؟
Why did we walk in the same direction?
والشارع دا زحام وتيه
The street is brimming with people and crowded
بس لازم نستميت
but we must persevere
الشوارع حواديت
The streets are tales
حوادية الحب فيها
One turn has love in it
وحوداية عفاريت
And in another there's demons
و اضحكي يا حلوة لما أسمعك
And laugh, sweetie, when I tell you this..