Translation of the song Crazy In Love artist 2PM
Crazy In Love
Crazy In Love
please just stay
please just stay
Only you... (x2)
Only you... (x2)
Crazy in love 君が眩しくて
Crazy in love You are dazzling
Crazy in love 心釘付けさ
Crazy in love My heart is glued to you
今 君以外 もう見えないよ
Now I can't see anything but you
この気持ち 初めてさ
I've never felt this way before
Stop! U never know?
stop! U never know?
When we first met
so step!
so step!
I felt that something's happening with you
maybe! 二人きり並び 君の香りに気付いてから
maybe! Being alone with you, I noticed your scent
近づく君を感じ意識飛ぶようなpower! like a dreamer!
You're getting closer to me with such power to knock me out! like a dreamer!
Play backすれば落ちてた俺から
Whenever I play back the scenes of you,
I faint! What should I do? From now on!
Thinking of you all the time
優しいその笑顔を見ていたいよ いつまでも
I want to see your warm smile forever
Listen to me 震える鼓動
Listen to me My trembling heartbeat
I want to feel your everything right now
Crazy in love 君が眩しくて
Crazy in love You are dazzling
Crazy in love 心釘付けさ
Crazy in love My heart is glued to you
今 君以外 もう見えないよ
Now I can't see anything but you
この気持ち 初めてさ
I've never felt this way before
Baby so fine 君の唇が
Baby so fine Everytime your lips
Baby so fine 僕を呼ぶたびに
Baby so fine Call my name
My heartいとしさが Beats止まらない
My heart beats with my longings that are endless
夢ならば 醒めないで
If this is a dream, don't make me awake
Can U hear me?
can U hear me?
I wanna get to your side
I wanna get to your side
hear me? 気のない素振り
hear me? Playing hard to get
Are you using tactics, changing the subject?
I can't do anything with your adorable smile
I want to take away your eye lines
身を守るようなそのeye line
which seem to protect yourself
今love line決めたいよright?
Now love line, Go for it, right?
離したくはないcrazy in love
Don't wanna let you go, crazy in love
please just stay
please just stay
Only you... (x2)
Only you... (x2)
Crazy in love 君が愛しくて
Crazy in love I love you
Crazy in love 息が詰まりそう
Crazy in love I'm suffocating
ただいつまでも ねえそばにいたい
I just want to be with you forever
この想い 本気だよ
My feeling is for real
Baby tonight 君の指先が
Baby tonight Every time your fingers
Baby tonight 僕に触れるたび
Baby tonight touch me
Don't stop体中 Just熱くなる
Don't stop my whole body gets just hot
抱きしめて 離さない
I hold you and never let you go