Translation of the song Monster Meeting artist DYMYTRY
Monster Meeting
Monster Meeting
[Sloka 1:]
[Verse 1:]
Máme tu zas další společnej mejdan,
We've got another common party out here,
ovládne nás rej ohňů a gest (gest),
a swarm of fires and the gestures (gestures) gonna take control.
hard and heavy láme všechny ledy,
Hard and heavy breaks all ice,
ta nálož trhá hráz.
this charge tears down the dam.
[Sloka 2:]
[Verse 2:]
Tohle je dar, naše droga je v mozku,
That's a gift, our drug's in the brain,
nabije vás, jo, rychle jak blesk (blesk),
it's gonna hype you up, yeah, as fast as lightning (lightning)
emoce z toho daru stoupají až k varu
emotions of that gift rising up until the boil,
to pouto spojí nás.
this bond gonna unite us.
Ráj bez koksu bez extáze
The paradise with no coke no ecstasy
teď dopuje nás.
is doping us now.
Monster, hej, monster meeting, hej!
A monster, hey, monster meeting, hey!
Dva silný stroje a vo tom to je.
Two /fuckin'/ powerful machines and that's what it is.
Monster, monster meeting, hej!
A monster, monster meeting, hey!
Monster, hej, monster meeting
A monster, hey, monster meeting
je mocná magie a žádná chemie.
is a mighty magic and no chem.
Monster, monster meeting, hej!
A monster, monster meeting, hey!
[Sloka 3:]
[Verse 3:]
Je tady zas další kovovej mejdan,
We've got another metal party here again,
dokáže nás v rytmu motoru vést,
it can lead us in the rhythm of engine,
hard and heavy bez důkazů vědy,
hard and heavy without evidence of science,
ta závislost je past.
this addiction is a trap.
[Sloka 4:]
[Verse 4:]
Je to dar, ta droga je v mozku
It's a gift, this drug in the brain
úžasnej dar,
is an amazing gift,
hormony buší jak pěst (pěst).
the hormones pounding as fist (fist).
Dopamin do hlavy
A dopamine into head,
houpají se davy
the crowds are swinging
na mostě přes propast.
on the bridge over the abyss.
Ráj bez koksu bez extáze
The paradise with no coke no ecstasy
teď dopuje nás.
is doping us now.
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