Translation of the song متل اليوم artist Faia Younan

Arabic (other varieties)

متل اليوم

English translation

Like today

بكل مرة جديدة بتنسمع هالغنية

With every new time this song is played,

حيكون مر الوقت وكبرنا شوية

time will have passed by and we will have grown older

حيكون في شي راح وفي مكانه جديد

Some things will be gone… with new things in place

صورة حتقرب وخيال حيصير بعيد

Some images will come closer, while some silhouettes go far away

ومسافات حتنقص ومسافات حتزيد

Some distances will shrink while some others will increase…

بس كل ما انسمعت هالغنية

But every time this song is played

اشياء بتبقى هي هي

some things will remain the same

حضل حبك متل اليوم

I will love you like today

ويمكن اكتر شوية

and perhaps a little more

وبكل مرة جديدة بتنسمع هالغنية

And with every new time this song is played

يمكن اشياء غريبة نصير نشوفها عادية

Perhaps the things we see as strange will become ordinary with time

وحنستغرب مبارح بس نرجع نتمناه

We might think of yesterday as strange but still wish it came back

وحنخاف من بكرا بس حنستناه

and we might be afraid of tomorrow but we’ll still wait for it eagerly

ومسافات حتنقص ومسافات حتزيد

Some distances will shrink while some others will increase…

بس كل ما انسمعت هالغنية

But every time this song is played

اشياء بتبقى هي هي

some things will remain the same

حضل حبك متل اليوم

I will love you like today

ويمكن اكتر شوية

and perhaps a little more

وبكل مرة جديدة بتنسمع هالغنية

And with every new time this song is played,

حيكون صار في غيرها أغاني كتير

there will be many other new songs

أغاني فرحة... وأغاني أسى

some happy songs… some sad songs

منها يمكن نحفظها وتاني حتنتسى

some of them we will memorize by heart and some others we’ll forget

بس كل ما انسمعت هالغنية

But every time this song is played

بعرف رح بتفكر فيي

I know that you will think of me

لأن كل شي... قبل ما يمشي... بيترك أثر

Because all things in life, before fading away, leave a trace

ولو انه شوية

no matter how small…

وكل ما انسمعت هالغنية

and every time this song is played

اشياء بتبقى هي هي

some things will remain the same

حضل حبك متل اليوم

I will love you like today

ويمكن اكتر شوية

and perhaps a little more

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