Translation of the song يا ليته يعلم artist Faia Younan


يا ليته يعلم

English translation

If only he knows ...

أبلغ عزيزًا فى ثنايا القلب منزله

Tell the dear, whose dwell is in the depth of (my) heart

أنى وإن كنت لا ألقاه ألقاه

that I keep seeing him even when I don't,1

وإن طرفى موصول برؤيته

that my eye is attached to seeing him

وإن تباعد عن سكناي سكناه

no matter how far our homes are from each other.

يا ليته يعلم أنى لست أذكره

If only he knows that I don't recall him.

وكيف أذكره إذ لست أنساه

How to recall what I don't forget?!2

يا من توهم أنى لست أذكره

You, who claim3 that I don't remember him

والله يعلم أنى لست أنساه

God knows, that I don't forget him4

إن غاب عنى فالروح مسكنه

Even if he's absent, (my) soul is his home

من يسكن الروح كيف القلب ينساه

How would the heart forget the soul dweller?

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