Translation of the song Tortuga artist Antonello Venditti
Da bambino ero grasso
When I was a child I was fat 1
Mi prendevano in giro
They used to make fun of me
I compagni più grandi davanti al Tortuga
The seniors of my school in front of the Tortuga 2
E alle feste di classe
And at the school parties
Si ballavano i lenti
We used to dance slow dances
Si spegneva la luce sulle mani incoscienti
Lights would turn off on careless hands
On innocent [hands]
Io scrivevo e piangevoE pensavo già a te
I'd write and cry, and I was already thinking about you
Nella camera buia
In my dark room
Che luce che c'è
What a light there was
Il silenzio assoluto
Absolute silence
La versione di greco
The Greek translation 3
Che se sbagli una frase non c'è più rimedio
If you got a sentence wrong, it couldn't be fixed
I tuoi occhi perduti
Your lost eyes
Quattro banchi più indietro
Four desks behind
Io mi sento un vigliacco mentre tu chiedi aiuto
I feel such a coward while you're calling out for help
Chiedi aiuto
Calling out for help
E piangevo e scrivevo
And I cried and I wrote
E vivevo per te
And I lived for you
E la camera vuota
And the empty room
Era piena di te
Was full of you
E il mio tempo passava
And my time was going by
Più cattivo di primaCominciava in Italia una guerra assassina
Meaner than ever. In Italy a deadly war was about to start 4
A deadly [war]
Io picchiavo sul piano
I was hammering on the piano
Più sicuro di sempre
More confident every day
Una voce gridava che non ero innocente
A voice was screaming I wasn't innocent
Io scrivevo e piangevo
And I cried and I wrote
Non pensavo più a te
I was thinking about you no more
Nella camera vuota
In my dark room
Che luce che c'è
What a light there was
Da bambino ero grasso
When I was a child I was fat
Mi prendevano in giro
They used to make fun of me
I compagni più grandi davanti al Tortuga
The seniors of my school in front of the Tortuga
E alle feste di classe
And at the school parties
Si ballavano i lenti
We used to dance slow dances
Si spegneva la luce sulle mani incoscienti
Lights would turn off on careless hands
On innocent [hands]