Translation of the song Yedin Beni (Vıdı Vıdı) artist Bülent Ersoy


Yedin Beni (Vıdı Vıdı)

English translation

You ate me up

Nerden düştüm eline

Where did I fall into your hands from?

Yazık oldu ömrüme

It was so unfortunate for me

Ne talihsiz başım var

How unlucky I am

Hasret kaldım gülmeye

Smiling had been an incomplete desire to me

Yok sağa baktın

You didn't look right

Yok sola baktın

You didn't look left

Yok şunu ettin

You didn't do it

Yok bunu dedin

All you said was

Vıdı vıdı vıdı vıdı yedin beni

Blah blah blah.. You are me up

Bilmem neden sevdim seni

I don't know why I loved you

Kapat artık çeneni

Just shut your mouth

Uzat bana elini

Give me your hand

Gel beraber olalım

Come, lets be together

Arı soksun dilini

May a bee sting you on your tongue

Yok sağa baktın

You didn't look right

Yok sola baktın

You didn't look left

Yok şunu ettin

You didn't do it

Yok bunu dedin

All you said was

Vıdı vıdı vıdı vıdı yedin beni

Blah blah blah.. You are me up

Bilmem neden sevdim seni

I don't know why I loved you

Gözün kör olmasın balamoz muzo

To hell with you

Yedinn bitirdin beniii

You ate me all up, you ended me up

Ahh yangınlara mı geldin yavrum

Ahh, Have you reached the fire ,


My dear?

Yavrumm oh aşağıdan titrett.

Oh Honey! Just start trembling from the bottom (effects of fire)

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