誰があなたを 招んだのでしょう
I wonder who has called you
まだ雪残る 樽前の
To this lake at the foot
山の麓の この湖に
Of mount Tarumae where snow still lingers
Even though it's the first person I was with
白い煙の 胸にしみいる
The white smoke permeates my chest
昨日むなしい 心の底が
The bottom of my empty heart yesterday
きょう ほのぼのと 充たされて
Is faintly satisfied today
時を忘れる 樽前の朝
Forgetting time, the morning at Tarumae
Even though it's the first person who spoke
赤いタモの実 緑に映えて
The fruit of the red Manchurian Ash was shining with green
誰があなたを 招んだのでしょう
I wonder who has called you
静かな夜の 湖に
To the lake on this quiet night
ときめく心 影を沈めて
The throbbing heart sinks in the shadows
Even though it's the person I knew
遥か牧場の 馬のいななき
The faraway neigh of horses in the meadow 1