いじわる木枯らし 吹きつける
The wicked wintry wind blows in
古いセーター ボロシューズ
An old-worn sweater and ragged shoes
On such nights that make us cry
頬っぺをよせて ともしましょう
We should cuddle together and turn on the lights
By the window of our hearts
ほら えくぼが浮かんでくるでしょう
Look, you will see the dimples on your cheeks
真珠に輝やく 飾り窓
In the show window shining like a pearl
うつるまずしい シンデレラ
There stands poor Cinderella
ポッケにゃ 何にもないけれど
Though we have got nothing in our pockets
かじかむ指で ともしましょう
We should turn on the lights with our benumbed fingers
By the window of our hearts
ほら 口笛ふきたくなるでしょう
Look, you are in the mood for whistling
暖炉を囲んだ 歌声を
The singing voices by the fire
遠くきいてる 細い路地
I hear them in the narrow alley
ちっちゃな たき火は消えたけど
Though our small fire went out
お空をみつめ ともしましょう
We should look up to the sky and turn on the lights
By the window of our hearts
ほら 希望がほのぼのわくでしょう
Look, you will feel a dim hope welling up inside