白くかわいた 風が吹くだけで
With one blowing of white dry wind
だれも見えない 秋の砂山
There was no one in sight around the dunes of autumn
軽い心の ふれあいも
We touched by our light hearts
すごく大事に 思えた日
That was when I felt it so precious
いまは遠くなる 秋の砂山
And now I see the dunes of autumn in the distance
波の向こうに 虹が燃えていた
The rainbow was burning over the waves
それは短い 夏のまぼろし
That is a momentary summer's mirage
指をかさねる それだけで
I believed that putting my fingers on yours
愛のはじめと 信じてた
Would be the beginning of our love
それもひとときの 夏のまぼろし
That too is the summer's mirage at the single moment
砂に残した 人の足あとを
Someone's footprints left on the sand
消して静かな 秋のさざなみ
Were erased by the autumn rippling waves
胸の渚に きざまれた
Until my deep pain etched
深いいたみの 消えるまで
On the shore of my chest goes away
独りみつめよう 秋のさざなみ
All alone, I will watch the autumn rippling waves