Aquest amor és un estel
This love is a star
Sempre a la llar ens guia, fidel
Always at home, it guides us, faithfully
Aquest amor és un sol viu
This love is a living sun
Cau a prop i en rebem el caliu
It falls nearby and we receive its heat
Cada dia vull parlar amb tu
Every day I want to speak with you
Però els meus mots, quan parlo,
But my words, when I speak,
El vent se’ls endu
The wind takes them away
Com hem pogut aquí arribar?
How did we manage to get here?
El que tastem no ho deixem de lluitar
We don't stop fighting what we taste
Què en quedarà del que ens ha passat?
What will be left of us after what has happened?
Podrem guardar prou que ara hem començat?
Will we be able to hold on, now that we've started?
Ja l’hem vençut, ja cau aquest mur
We've already won, this wall has already fallen
I al meu camí ja hi veig un futur
And on my path I can see a future
Hem de veure l’amor que ara ens perd
We have to see the love which now we have lost
A fora, a cel obert
Outside, under the open sky
A fora, a cel obert
Outside, under the open sky
A fora, a cel obert
Outside, under the open sky
Aquest amor és un sol viu
This love is a living sun