Ljubezen zvezdno je nebo
Love is a starlit sky
Kaže nam pot, kjer koli že smo
It shows us a path, wherever we are
Ljubezen toplo sonce je
Love is a warm sun
Greje vse, kar počnemo ljudje
It heats everything we do, humans
Vedeti sem hotela vse
I wanted to know everything
A besede kar odpihnilo je
But it blow away words
Prehitro vse je mimo šlo
Everything went by so fast
Zdaj se zavedam kaj je bilo
Now I'm realizing what has happened
Čakala sva nekaj lepega
We were waiting for something beautiful
Kar čutiva osrečuje oba
What we feel, makes both happy
Ali bom še kot sem bila
Will I stay still like I was
Bom čutila kdaj, kar me spet čaka
Will I feel, what is waiting on me
Z roko v roki
Hand in hand
Z ljubeznijo to
With that love
Pobarvajva nebo
Let color the sky
Ljubezen toplo sonce je
Love is a warm sun.