Translation of the song E tu Ninetta artist I Gufi


E tu Ninetta

English translation

And you, Ninetta

E tu Nineta non mi far le corna,

And you Ninetta, don’t make cuckolded,

ché tra un anneto il tuo Luigino torna.

for in a short year your Luigino is coming back.

No no no no, mio bel bochin,

No no no no, my beautiful mouth,

no, non mi fare cornutin.

no, don’t make me cuckolded.

Oilì oilà, non mi dar questo dolor.

Oilì oilà, don’t cause me this grief.

Oilì oilà, son soldato dell’amor.

Oilì oilà, I’m a love soldier.

Ho la mamma, la mia patria e te nel cuore.

I have my mum, my country, and you in my heart.

Marinar, che bello andar sull’ampio mar.

Sailor, it’s so good to travel the wide sea.

Aviator, fra mille stelle e mille fior.

Aviator, among a thousand stars and a thousand flowers.

Cavallegger, che sul cavallo te ne stai a seder.

Cavalryman, who sits on his horse.

Fanticel, che sulle zolle stai in panciolle e guardi il ciel.

Infantryman, who lies idly on clumps of earth and looks at the sky.

Gioventù, prima ci sei, poi non sei più.

Youth, you’re here before, and then you are no more.

Gioventù, prima ci sei, poi non sei più.

Youth, you’re here before, and then you are no more.

E tu, tecnico atomico,

And you, nuclear technician,

in Russia o in America,

in Russia or in America,

all’erta ogni domenica,

alert every Sunday,

col dito sul botton,

with your finger on the button,

per fare bim bum bom.

to go bim boom bam.

Oh fior, bei fiori miei!

Oh flowers, nice flowers of mine!

I have no bananas today!1

I have no bananas today!

E tu Rosina che sei tanto bella,

And you Rosina, who are so beautiful,

esser vorrei del cielo rondinella.

I’d like to be a little swallow of the sky.

Sì sì sì sì, vorrei volar,

Yeah yeah yeah yeah, I’d like to fly,

e in braccio a te poi riposar.

and then rest in your arms.

Oilì oilà, contro il cielo azzurro e d’or.

Oilì oilà, against the blue and golden sky.

Oilì oilà, bianco rosso e verde ognor.

Oilì oilà, always white, red, and green.

Rondinella, bell’uccello tricolor.

Little swallow, beautiful tricolored bird.

Marinar, che bello andar sull’ampio mar.

Sailor, it’s so good to travel the wide sea.

Aviator, fra mille stelle e mille fior.

Aviator, among a thousand stars and a thousand flowers.

Cavallegger, che sul cavallo te ne stai a seder.

Cavalryman, who sits on his horse.

Fanticel, che sulle zolle stai in panciolle e guardi il ciel.

Infantryman, who lies idly on clumps of earth and looks at the sky.

Gioventù, prima ci sei, poi non sei più.

Youth, you’re here before, and then you are no more.

Gioventù, prima ci sei, poi non sei più.

Youth, you’re here before, and then you are no more.

E tu, tecnico atomico,

And you, nuclear technician,

in Russia o in America,

in Russia or in America,

all’erta ogni domenica,

alert every Sunday,

col dito sul botton,

with your finger on the button,

per fare bim bum bom.

to go bim boom bam.

Oh fior, bei fiori miei!

Oh flowers, nice flowers of mine!

I have no bananas today!

I have no bananas today!

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