Translation of the song Era Natale artist I Gufi


Era Natale

English translation

It Was Christmas

Era Natale nell’harem del pascià,

It was Christmas in the pasha’s harem,

gl’eunuchi se ne stavan mano in mano

the eunuchs stood there twiddling their thumbs

tra decine di splendide beltà

among tens of wonderful beauties

distese sopra questo o quel divano.

laying on couches here and there.

Entra il pascià col suo passo marziale,

With a threatening look, marching warlike,

il truce volto e le potenti spalle,

here comes the pasha, entering the halls,

e dice: ‹Che volete per Natale?›

he says: ‹For Christmas, what would you like?›

Gl’eunuchi gli rispondono: «Le …».1

And the eunuchs reply: «We’d like our b…».

Gloria nei cieli, pace quaggiù,

Glory in Heaven, peace down on Earth,

tra il bue e l’asinello è nato Gesù.

between the ox and donkey was Jesus’ birth.

Era Natale nell’Oceano Indiano,

It was Christmas in the Indian Ocean,

ma piena estate ancora in Vaticano,

but it was mid‑Summer in Vatican,

e il collegio dei Santi Cardinali

and the college of Holy Cardinals

ha vietato la pillola ai cristiani.

forbade the Christians to take the pill.

«Son questi» grida il coro rispettoso

The courteous chorus’ reply’s very brisk:

«scherzi da prete ad alto livello?

«These, from high up, are very nasty tricks:1

Ci sembra che davvero sia rischioso

we think that it is too much of a risk

fidarsi solamente dell’u…»2

if we’re to trust only in our d…»

Gloria nei cieli, pace quaggiù,

Glory in Heaven, peace down on Earth,

tra il bue e l’asinello è nato Gesù.

between the ox and donkey was Jesus’ birth.

Era Natale, ed alla Casa Bianca

It was Christmas, and at the White House

l’esercito era lì col presidente,

the army was there with the President,

a ricevere la benedizione

receiving his blessing

prima di andare nell’Estremo Oriente.3

before leaving for the Far East.2

‹La sacra face della libertate4

‹It is your duty to stoke this holy fire,

spetta l’onore a voi di mantenere.›

so that our liberty no one shall trespass.›

Tutti in coro risposero i soldati:

And all the soldiers replied him en masse:

«Con quella face scaldati il …»5

«You keep your fire and stick it up your …»

Gloria nei cieli, pace quaggiù,

Glory in Heaven, peace down on Earth,

tra il bue e l’asinello è nato Gesù.

between the ox and donkey was Jesus’ birth.

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