Translation of the song Jumatate (Jumătate) artist Elena Gheorghe


Jumatate (Jumătate)

English translation


Si-ai crezut ca e de ajuns

and u thought is enaugh

Jumatate din amor s-a dus

half of love is gone

Si astazi inca te mai port in gand

and today i still have u in mind

Pozele cu tine-mi rad

the photos with u r laughing at me

Iar eu in suflet plang

and in soul im crying

Mi-ai dat numai jumatate

u gave me only a half

Dragostea nu e asa...

love is not like this

Trebuie sa crezi cu toata inima ta

u have to believe with all ur heart

Nu voi mai privi inapoi

i wont look back

Doar eu am crezut in noi

but i believed in us

Oare plangem amandoi ?

maybe we both cry?

Eu vreau tot,eu vreau totul sau deloc

I want everything/all, I want everything or nothing at all

Vreau sa ma iubesti cu foc

I want you to love me with fire

Dragostea nu-i doar un joc

Love is not just a game

Ti-am dat toata inima

I gave you all my heart

Dar mi-am pierdut increderea

But I lost the trust

Si nu mai pot trai asa

& I can't live like this anymore

Intr-o zi poate ai sa afli

one day maybe ull find out

Ce inseamna sa iubesti

what means to love

Abia atunci poti spune ca traiesti

only then u can say u live voi mai privi inapoi

listen .... i wont look back anymore

Doar eu am crezut in noi

but i believed in us

Oare plangem amandoi?

maybe we both cry?

Poate nu ai inteles

maybe u didnt understand

Sau n-ai inteles dragostea

or u didnt understand the love

Oare cauti altceva?

maybe ur looking for something else?

Am vrut doar fericire

i just wanted happiness

Ti-am daruit iubire

i gave u love

Din toata inima

from all heart

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