Cum se face ca de dragoste
How come that it's so hard
Nu ai cum sa uiti prea repede
To get over someone you (once) loved**?...
Cum se face ca-n lipsa mea
How come that in my absence
Tu o iubeai pe ea
You were making love to her
Cand eu stateam sa te astept
While I was waiting for you on and on?...***
Cum se face ca-n lipsa mea
How come that in my absence
Tu o iubeai pe ea
You were making love to her
Cand eu stateam sa te astept
While I was waiting for you on and on?...
Stiu ca nu va fi usor
I know it won't be easy for me****
Locul tau in pat e gol
Your place in the bed is empty
Si nu vreau sa mor de dor
And I don't wanna pine(after you)...*****
Lacramioara, lacramioara
Lily of the valley, lily of the valley
De mine nu te-ndeparta
Don't go away from me
Lacramioara, lacramioara
Lily of the valley, lily of the valley
Vrei sa mor din cauza ta
Do you want me to die because of you?
Imi amintesc cand imi spuneai ca vrei
I still remember when you promised me that
Sa nu mai pleci de langa ochii mei
You'd never drop out of my sight again(never leave me)
Si atunci puteam sa jur ca simt
And in that very moment I could swear I had the feeling
Ca tu in acelasi timp
That you, in the same time,
Asta ii spuneai si ei
Made the (same) promise to her too
Dar se intoarce dragostea
But Love will turn against you
Impotriva ta
And will get you
Si ai sa vezi si tu atunci cum e
Then you'll see just how it feels(to)...******
Stiu ca nu va fi usor
I know it won't be easy for me
Locul tau in pat e gol
Your place in the bed is empty
Si nu vreau sa mor de dor
And I don't wanna pine(after you)...
Lacramioara, lacramioara
Lily of the valley, lily of the valley
De mine nu te-ndeparta
Don't go away from me
Lacramioara, lacramioara
Lily of the valley, lily of the valley
Vrei sa mor din cauza ta
Do you want me to die because of you?
Cu dragostea nu e usor
Love is not easy to deal with*******
N-am de gand sa mor de dor
I'm not going to pine(for you)...
Dar tot nu vreau sa te intorci
And still I don't want you back(in my life)
Cu dragostea nu e usor
Love is not easy to deal with
N-am de gand sa mor de dor
I'm not going to pine(for you)...
Dar tot nu vreau sa te intorci
And still I don't want you back(in my life)
Lacramioara, lacramioara
Lily of the valley, lily of the valley
De mine nu te-ndeparta
Don't go away from me
Lacramioara, lacramioara
Lily of the valley, lily of the valley
Vrei sa mor din cauza ta
Do you want me to die because of you?