Translation of the song Steauã mshatã artist Elena Gheorghe


Steauã mshatã

English translation

Beautiful star

S'iarai lea featã steauã di pi tser,

Girl, you are like a star in the sky,

Seara, la geami, io va z'yineam s'ti ved.

In the evenings, I come to see you,

Io dzãua tutã, featã, va'nji durnjiam,

All day, girl, I sleep,

Serli la geami io va'nji ti'ashtiptam.

In the evening, at the window, I come and wait for you.

Steauã mshatã di pi tser,

Beautiful star in the sky,

Io di dor a tãu va'nji chier.

I am dying for your longing,

Pãn' la tini cali lungã

It”a a long way to you,

A ma vrearea mea'nji ti'agiungã.

My love should come and reach to you.

Va'nji ti'agiungã, featã va'nji ts'aspunã

It should come and reach to you, girl, to tell you

Cã ti mini, tini hii naima bunã.

That without you, my heart is not ok.

S'iarai lea featã steauã di pi tser,

Girl, you are like a star in the sky,

Io vream s'hiu featã msheat pilister

I want to be a beautiful dove, girl,

S'azboir, vrutã, pãn' la steali io

To fly, my beloved, to the stars,

S'aspun lea mshatã mashi a meu caimo.

To tell them about the longing for my beautiful one.

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