Translation of the song Morning Star, Durbanville artist Fokofpolisiekar


Morning Star, Durbanville

English translation

Morning Star, Durbanville

Die ster wat ek volg

The Star that I follow

Volg tot sonopkoms

until sunrise

Ek verstaan beter as wat jy dink

I understand better than you do

Soort soek soort

like attracts like

Net die braafste dwase spring oorboord

Only the bravest fools jump overboard

Tyd leen sy wysheid

Time lends its wisdom

Aan wie geduldig wag

To those who wait patiently

Die nag wys sy geheime

The night exposes its secrets

Vir die wie se oe

To those whose eyes

Aan kan pas

can adapt

Die ster wat ek volg

The star that I follow

Volg tot sonopkoms

Until sunrise

Soepel en sag

Supple and soft

Aan die buitekant

On the outside

Maar daar's 'n diamant

But there's a diamond

Waar jou hart moet wees

Where your heart should be

Waar jou hart moet wees my skat

Where your heart should be my dear

Hierdie stad het jou by my gesteel

This city has stolen you from me

Hierdie stad, het jou by my gesteel!

This city has stolen you from me

Ek hoop die waarheid (Ek hoop die waarheid)

I hope the truth (I hope the truth)

Kom by jou uit

Reaches you

Om as orgaan te funksioneer

To function as an organ

Is gewoonlik onmoontlik

Is usually impossible

Vir 'n edelsteen

For a gemstone

Die ster wat ek volg

The star that I follow

Volg tot sonopkoms

Until sunrise

(Die N1 se stippellyn)

(The N1's dotted line)

Die half geboude brue

The half-built bridges

Vlieg by my kop verby

Fly past my head

Dis vanaand vir nou

It's tonight for now

Iemand sal begrafnis hou

Someone will hold a funeral

Hierdie stad het jou by my gesteel

This city has stolen you from me

Hierdie stad, het jou by my gesteel!

This city has stolen you from me

Skemers op strande

Twilights on beaches



Die krag kan maar afgaan

The power can go out

Jy skyn tog helder

You shine brightly

Jou rykdom begrawe

Your riches buried

Tussen longe en are

Between lungs and veins

Foute maak al maak dit seer

Make mistakes although they hurt

Sweer dat ek sal aandag gee

Swear I will pay attention

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