Em desvetlla el telèfon tremolant
The shivering phone wakes me up
i la veu a l'altra banda diu: Problemes.
and the voice on the other side says: Problems.
Corre-cuita, he pujat fins al terrat.
Hurriedly, I'm up on the terrace.
I Lisboa no dormia tan serena...
And Lisboa was sleeping so calmly...
Nova Delhi, simfonia de motors.
New Dehli, a simphony of motors.
En el rickshaw no he notat que m'adormia.
On the rickshaw I didn't notice I was falling asleep.
Ens segueixen.
They are following us.
Sacsejant el conductor,
Shaking the driver,
dic: Hem de despistar-los, que m'hi va la vida!.
I say: We need to lose them, my life is on it!.
Però, quan de cop obro els ulls, me n'adono:
But when I suddenly open my eyes I realize:
en realitat sóc dins d'un tren
I'm actually inside a train
que va creuant un paisatge estepari.
that's crossing a dry scenery.
Per la finestra, al fons, et veig:
Through the window, on the background, I see you:
la silueta al desert amb un dit
the silhouette in the desert with a finger
apuntant cap a mi.
pointing at me.
He escapat. De moment...
I have escaped. So far...
30 dies sense cap accident.
30 days without an accident.
Quan desperto en un motel de mala mort,
When I wake up in a sketchy motel
a la porta, un puny que pica amb insistència.
at the door, a fist hits insistently.
El revòlver em tremola entre les mans.
The gun shivers in my hands
Se'm dispara i recupero la consciència.
It shoots and I gain back my conscience
I me n'adono que estic sol a casa,
And I realize that I'm at home alone
però que ja tornes a ser aquí.
but you are already here again.
Els dies eren tan clars, que dubtava
The days were so bright that I doubted
si eres o no una part de mi,
wether you were a part of me,
d'una fugida endavant a través de l'espai i del temps.
of an escape forward through space and time.
Comencem novament.
We start again.
Em desvetlla el telèfon tremolant
The shivering phone wakes me up
i la veu a l'altra banda diu: Problemes.
and the voice on the other side says: Problems.
Pensava que ja no hi eres.
I thought you were no longer there.
Pensava que ja no hi eres.
I thought you were no longer there.
Pensava que ja no hi eres.
I thought you were no longer there.
I me n'adono que estic sol a casa,
And I realize that I'm at home alone
però que ja tornes a ser aquí.
but you are already here again.
Els dies eren tan clars, que dubtava
The days were so bright that I doubted
si eres o no una part de mi,
wether you were a part of me,
d'una fugida endavant a través de l'espai i del temps.
of an escape forward through space and time.
Superar, finalment,
To overcome, finally,
30 dies sense cap accident.
30 days without an accident.