Translation of the song El senyal que esperaves artist Els Amics de les Arts


El senyal que esperaves

English translation

The sign you were waiting for

Fes-me lloc que ho intentaré

Make space for me, for I will try it

Sortirem d'aqui

We will get out of here

Ara escolta'm bé

Now listen to me closely

Crec en tu perquè no he sabut ni sé

I believe in you because I've never known and I don't know

Despullar-te els ulls o predir-te el gest

How to undress your eyes or predict your gesture

Ja vaig renunciar a llicenciar-me en tu

I gave up getting a degree on you

Ara ho tinc tan clar: no hi puc veure a contrallum

It's so clear now: I can't see in the backlight.

I potser el que he dit, t'ha caigut tan lluny

And maybe what I said has fallen so far from you

Als afores, a un descampat perdut

At the outskirts, on a lost wasteland

Vull un altre intent

I want another try

Si aquesta cançó

If this song

Fos, per fi, el senyal que esperaves

was, finally, the sign you were waiting for.

I si no existís el millor moment?

What if the best moment doesn't exist?

I si et cal saltar per tornar-te ocell?

What if you need to jump to become a bird?

I que diguin missa

And let them say whatever

I que ens diguin folls

And let them call us crazy

La veu dels covards

The voice of the cowards

Dels desperta-pors aquest cop només serà una remor

Of the fear-mongers, will only be a murmur this time.

Confondrem els planys entre el vent d'un bosc

We will confuse the grievances amongst the wind of a wood

Que ja és tan petit quan girem els ulls

That is already so small when we look back

Quasi hi som, quasi hi som

We are almost there, we are almost there

Escriurem el final tots dos

We will both write the ending

Anem molt bé si també et tremola el pols

We are going well if your pulse trembles too

Escriurem el final tots dos

We will both write the ending

Anem molt bé si també et tremola el pols

We are going well if your pulse trembles too

Anem molt bé si també et tremola el pols

We are going well if your pulse trembles too

He somiat la ciutat mil cops, hi arribem de nit, caminem ben sols

I've dreamt of the city a thousand times, we arrive at night, walk alone

Per carrers estrets, empedrats i molls

Through narrow stoned and wet streets

De fanals groguencs, d'infinits balcons

Of yellow lamplights, of endless balconies

Em dius

You tell me

Tant de bo no estiguéssim sols

I wish we weren't alone

Si sortís algú a desitjar-me sort

If someone would come out to wish me luck

I jo et dic

And I tell you

Hi són, que no els sents com canten?

They're there, can't you hear them sing?

Escriurem el final tots dos

We will both write the ending

Anem molt bé: tenim por

We are going well: we are both afraid

Anem molt bé: tenim por

We are going well: we are both afraid

Escriurem el final tots dos, lluny d'aquí

We will both write the ending, far from here.

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