Translation of the song El Seu Gran Hit artist Els Amics de les Arts
El Seu Gran Hit
Their Big Hit
La lletra no l'entenc
I don't understand the lyrics
Però ella es transforma gaudint, ballant, rient
But she transforms enjoying, dancing, laughing
Tothom al meu voltant sap la tornada
Everyone around me knows the chorus
Jo, fred, miro el cantant i li dic: T'he calat ja fa estona
I, coldly, look at the lead singer and say: I caught you a while ago
Heu vingut a robar-nos les dones
You have come to steal our women
Heu vingut a robar-nos les dones
You have come to steal our women
No sou més que una banda de pseudopoetes
You are nothing but a band of pseudo-poets
Feu quatre acords i us penseu qui-sap-què
You make four chords and think you're all that
Heu vingut a robar-nos les dones
You have come to steal our women
Heu vingut a robar-nos les dones
You have come to steal our women
Però si feu el de sempre
You always do the same thing
Canteu com hienes
Sing like hyenas
És l'hora ja d'entregar els instruments
It's time to give up the instruments
S'acaba el seu gran hit, ella m'abraça
Their big hit ends, she hugs me
Seiem. Fluixet, li dic: Jo, de cançons així, en una tarda te'n puc fer vint-i-cinc
We sit. Softly I tell her I can make you twenty five songs like that
Hi ha un subtext que mai no evoluciona
in an afternoon
Les cançons diuen tota l'estona: Hem vingut a robar-vos les dones
There's a subtext that never evolves
Hem vingut a robar-vos les dones
The songs say over and ober We have come to steal your women
Crispetaires del pop
We have come to steal your women
Lletres repetitives
Pop corn makers of pop
Fem quatre acords i ens en sobren i tot
Repeating lyrics
Hem vingut a robar-vos les dones
We make four chords and we have some to spare
Hem vingut a robar-vos les dones
We have come to steal your women
Sempre fem el mateix, però ho vestim de manera que sembli que anem millorant amb el temps
We have come to steal your women