Translation of the song Et vaig dir artist Els Amics de les Arts


Et vaig dir

English translation

I Told You

És impossible la fuga per l'escala

It's impossible to escape through the stairs

I has regirat tot el pis de dalt a baix;

And you have turned the apartment upside down;

Has mig obert la finestra, per si torna

You have half opened the window, just to see

El nostre gat...

Whether our cat will come back...

Tu vas sopant teories en silenci

You're silently eating theories for supper

Però, de calaix, és un cas de deserció.

But, quite clearly, this is a case of desertion.

Vol estar lluny i amagat per quan comenci

It wants to be far away and well hidden

A dir-t'ho tot!

Once I start to tell you everything!

I per això hi ha un gos que està udolant.

And that's why there's a howling dog.

I per això els ocells, esperitats,

And that's why the birds, agitated,

Ara volen baix fent gargots a l'aire...

Fly low while moving erratically about the air...

El poder secret dels animals

The secret power of animals

D'ensumar el perill que es va acostant...

To perceive an approaching danger...

Queda escrit el pròleg de la catàstrofe!

The catastrophe's prologue has been written!

Quan ho tenia a la punta de la llengua,

When it was all on the tip of my tongue,

M'he fet enrere i ho torno a mastegar;

I have backed down and I've left it to fester;

L'única sort de ser tu el de l'altra banda:

The only good thing about being the one on the other side:

No hi ha un abans...

There's no previous history...

I per això hi ha un gos que està udolant.

And that's why there's a howling dog.

I per això els ocells, esperitats,

And that's why the birds, agitated,

Ara volen baix fent gargots a l'aire...

Fly low while moving erratically about the air...

El poder secret dels animals

The secret power of animals

D'ensumar el perill que es va acostant...

To perceive an approaching danger...

Perdoneu, només serà una nit!

Sorry, it will only happen one night!

Et vaig dir que eres aire, remei i cançó,

I told you that you were my air, my healer and my song,

La paraula que canvia la vida,

That word that changes our lives,

El batec que s'escapa del cor.

The beating of my heart.

Et vaig dir que ni rastre de dèries ni pors.

I told you that there wasn't a trace of insecurity or fear.

Jo, qui mai regalava un per sempre,

I, who had never offered a forever to anyone,

Els devia guardar per tu tots!

Was keeping them all for you!

Et vaig dir que allà a fora era ple de farsants,

I told you that the world outside is full of liars,

De trileros del verb comprometre

Of fraudsters who exploit the word 'commitment'

I que, amb mi, te n'havies salvat.

And with me, you'd been saved from them all.

Et vaig dir que podríem amb tots els embats

I told you that we'd overcome all obstacles

Si, amb els anys, arribaven les presses

If, with the passing of the years, we felt anguished

Per les vides que no hem visitat...

Over those lives we've never experienced...

Et vaig dir que tu i jo mai seríem estranys

I told you that you and I would never be strangers

Ni uns amics que es fan companyia,

Nor a couple of friends who keep each other company,

Que es podia estimar com abans!

That it was possible to love like in the past!

Et vaig dir que tu i jo mai seríem estranys

I told you that you and I would never be strangers

Ni uns amics que es fan companyia:

Nor a couple of friends who keep each other company:

Fem, almenys, que això sigui veritat!

Let's at least, cause this to be true!

Quan et miro de fora el replà,

When I look at you from outside, on the landing,

Veig que el gat apareix en escena

I see that the cat has returned to the stage

I se t'estira a la falda, roncant.

And it lies down on your lap, purring.

Ja vindré un dia, més endavant,

I shall come some other day in the future,

Quan no hi siguis... Faré la maleta...

When you're not home... I'll pack all my things...

Potser així no farà tant de mal!

Maybe in this way, it won't be so painful for you!

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