Translation of the song Juliol 1994 artist Els Amics de les Arts
Juliol 1994
July 1994
Uns crits impacients
Impatient screams
trencaven la tarda,
broke through the afternoon,
la veu dels amics al carrer.
the voice of my friends in the street.
Tots tres pedalant
All three of us pedaling
cap a la cabana,
to the cabin,
el fum desplegant-se imponent.
the smoke rising up imposingly.
I aquella olor:
And that smell:
Cremava per tots cantons
It was burning, everywhere
Cremava el més semblant
It was burning, the closest thing
a casa nostra enmig del bosc.
to our house in the middle of the wood.
Cremaven el res i el tot.
It was burning, nothing and everything.
Cremaven potser rampoines
It was burning, only trinkets
però per nosaltres eren tresors.
but to us they were treasures.
Rampoines que per nosaltres eren tresors.
Trinkets that were treasures to us.
Mai més hi vam tornar,
We never went back,
tampoc en parlàvem.
we didn't talk about it either.
Hi ha un preu per fer net
There's a price for a clean slate
dels malsons.
from nightmares.
Allò que ens fa nens
That thing that makes us children
l'espurna salvatge,
that wild spark,
qui sap què vam perdre de més
who know what else we lost
amb el foc?
with the fire?
Cremava per tots cantons
It was burning, everywhere
Cremava el més semblant
It was burning, the closest thing
a casa nostra enmig del bosc.
to our house in the middle of the wood.
Cremaven el res i el tot.
It was burning, nothing and everything.
Cremaven potser rampoines
It was burning, only trinkets
però per nosaltres eren tresors.
but to us they were treasures.
Rampoines que per nosaltres eren tresors.
Trinkets that were treasures to us.