Translation of the song L'arquitecte artist Els Amics de les Arts



English translation

The architect

Amb els anys aprèns

With the years you learn

que tenir un bon plà

that to have a good plan

és l'única manera de

is the only way to

poder reduir el marge d'error.

be able to reduce the margin of error.

Tu t'hi estàs fins tard

You're up late

calculant'ho tot

calculating everything

i malgrat la son un esforç per escriure el què penses

and despite the drowsiness, an effort to write down your thoughts

tan senzillament com pots.

as simply as you can.

Però no hi ha prou cafè

But there is not enough coffee

per desvetllar-te tanta estona

to keep you awake so much time

i els ulls es van rendint

and so your eyes start to surrender

tu ni t'en adones.

you don't even notice.

Dorm arquitecte dorm

Sleep architect sleep

que el que estàs intentant és del tot impossible

for what you're trying is completely impossible

i que no depèn de tu

and doesn't depend on you

hi ha un projecte que no es pot preveure

There is a project that can not be foreseen

la vida la fa cadascú.

life is made by each one.

I una casa on hi capiguem tots

And a house where we all fit in

i un espai amb cuina-menjador

and an area with kitchen-dining room

i deixar que la tarda entri el sol

and on the afternoon let the sun come in

i finestres de 4x2

and 4x2 windows

i que tingui sentit de l'humor

and he may have sense of humor

i un saber-se triar bé els amics

and know how to choose friends correctly

i un caure que el faci més fort

and a fall that will make him stronger

i la força per saber dir no

and the strength to say no

i un jardí on si pugui ballar

and a garden where one can dance

i un portal que convidi a pasar

and an inviting entrance hall

i un veí, un caxondo mental

and a neighbor, a horny mind

i una taula al carrer per Sant Joan

and a table on the street to St. John *

i que et digui que ho has fet prou bé

and he may tell you that you did well enough

i que visqui el que tu no has pogut

and he may live the things you could not

fer-l'ho llest, que no tingui mai por

make him smart, always fearless

i saber quan deixar-lo fer sol.

and to know when to step back from him.

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